University of Minnesota
Medical School Twin Cities / St. Cloud
If you are a continuing UMN Medical School student and previously applied for need-based scholarship consideration using the Medical Student Scholarship Application, use the button below to Sign in.
Your previous Medical Student Scholarship Application data will be pre-populated to expedite the application renewal. You should review/update/change your application responses (where applicable) before submitting the application for 2025-2026.
If this is your first time using the Medical Student Scholarship Application to apply for need-based scholarship consideration at the University of Minnesota Medical School Twin Cities / St. Cloud AND you have (1) either matriculated into the UMN Medical School Twin Cities or St. Cloud in the past OR (2) you are applying for or have applied for admittance to the UMN Medical School Twin Cities or St. Cloud for the 2025-2026 academic year, use the button below to Continue.